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"Create Your Zen: How to Set Up the Perfect Meditation Space"

"Create Your Zen: How to Set Up the Perfect Meditation Space"

Congratulations on beginning your meditation practice. Woohoo you are doing it! I commend you for your courage in developing a healthy habit towards cultivating inner peace.

Life constantly brings up curveballs. and during these moments, your ability to respond to situations, instead of reacting will be your greatest asset. A consistent Meditation practice is proven to support your brain in responding to situations.

As you begin your meditation journey, here are a few helpful tips for setting your space.

1. Set up your physical space:

Find a quiet room in your home that feels good and safe to be in. Feel free to clean and declutter this space to make it even more appealing. Adjust the lighting based on your preferences so that you can relax deeply, should you choose to, when you step in this space. I also recommend setting up a music system so that you can play music while meditating that feels soothing to your mind. You could also add soft blankets, eye mask and comfy pillows for added comfort and self care. I also like to keep my journal and pen handy if I feel inspired to write something during or after my daily meditation practice. 

2. Find your rhythm

As you define the frequency of your meditation practice, my suggestion is to leverage the idea of repetition in creating a habit for your mind to meditate. For example, choosing same physical space to meditate will be more comfortable to your body. Similarly, sticking with the same time aka schedule for meditation will help your mind anchor on the habit of meditating at the set time. If you are beginning your practice, I recommend meditating in the mornings. Usually your mind is a lot more open and focussed when you meditate first thing in the morning. Your new meditation ritual could be a nice replacement for your morning coffee :-)

3. Posture

Find a comfy meditation chair, keep your feet flat on the floor and meditate in a seated position. My suggestion is to keep your body as relaxed as possible because the more your body is comfortable, the less distracted you'll feel during meditation. I highly recommend keeping your back nicely supported against the wall or by your chair when you meditate. I also find wearing loose fitted clothes helpful in opening and allowing the full flow of breath in the body. 

4. Technique

It is far easier to follow guided meditation than DIY, especially when you are starting out. As you choose different classes and programs out there, take time to learn the prescribed meditation technique to see if you resonate with it. My suggestion is to keep the meditation process and technique very simple. I love the simplicity of breathing with the intention of observing each breath. When distractions come up, bring your mind to be aware of your breath. This simple technique allows your mind to develop a role of a witness, which is powerful in preventing reactions. Overtime this simple technique creates a calmer, present and responsive mind.

5. Self Validation

The key to creating a successful new habit is to self validate your actions. Give yourself a pat on the back each day when you show up and complete your practice. This allows for mind to develop deeper levels of motivation and even excitement in showing up!

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